Page name: Spirit horse of the Cherokee Rp area [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-07-22 20:08:04
Last author: Sonya Blue
Owner: Sonya Blue
# of watchers: 7
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Spirit horse of the Cherokee

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2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Inola looked over, seeing Ahyoka "...'

2010-08-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ahyoka looked around and saw Inola, her eyes darting in the direction Nodin had walked, then she slowly climbed down from the rock.

2010-08-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda hummed softly as she walked slowly, while she opened her sences to her surroundings.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She watched Ahyoka, then looked in the direction that Nodin had gone

2010-08-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nosin had his back to them, speaking to a couple of the hunters.

Ahyoka took that time that Inola had her eyes off of her to take off in a run,giggling a little.

2010-08-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda walked over to the lake very slowly, she away out of eye shot of the others, so she took off her clothes and layed them byt he river bank, she got into the river and swam about.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: She looked back towards Ahyoka, seeing her run off and sighed

2010-08-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ahyoka went to her favorite hiding space, waiting for Nodin to come find her.

Nodin nodded a little, then turned to see Ahyoka gone. He smaked his forehead and ran his hand down his face.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: Inola walked towards Nodin

2010-08-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda swam down river, enjoying the feel of the cool water against her bare skin.

2010-08-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nodin sighed heavily and shook his head a little, then looked up at Inola

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: "She ran that way..." she pointed in the direction that Ahyoka had gone

2010-08-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nodin nodded a little,"Thank you."

2010-08-04 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda floated ontop of the water as she looked up at the sky.

2010-08-04 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled a little "You're welcome..."

2010-08-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Nodin smiled a little and walked in that direction. He had a feeling where she was.

2010-08-05 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Gotta go guys, see ya later]

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: [see ya hun *waves bye*]

Mickoda swam back up river to where her clothes where.

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita smiled as she watched as the excitment played under the shady tree.

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda got out of the river, she dryed off then she pulled on her clothes. She walked away from the river and to threw the woods.

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita thought for a moment and got up to follow Mickoda

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda walked threw the woods for a while until she got to a cave, where the wolves life."Osiyo." She said softly to the wolves there, she knelt on the ground and smiled softly at them. The wolves are the only ones that can get her to talk and be nice.

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita saw Mickoda surrounded by a pack of wolves and smiled seeing how cute the scene was.

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickdoa petted the wolves until they started to growl."Whats wrong?" She asked softly then one of the wolves told her that someone was here. Mickoda stood up and looked around, her eyes narrow, her face was hard and harsh while her hands curled into claws. She looked like she was ready for a fight.

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita felt Mickoda's anger and let out a sigh.
"You don't need to get angry. I was just watching." She said innocently

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda looked over at Ayita and she relax just a little but not by much."Why are you here?" She asked.

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita moved out of the clearing and smiled brightly.
"I'm a fox, I'm always curious." She said jokingly

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda said nothing.

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita let out a sigh and shook her head.
"You know, you really need to relax more."

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda shrugged one shoudler.

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita looked at the pack and looked back at Mickoda.
"what? I don't get to meet them?" She said with a smile

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda just raised one eyebrow at her.

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita let out a sigh
"Come on, Mickoda. Dont you have any fun?"

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda snapped her fingers and the wolves went back into the cave."Why do you think am here for?"

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita rolled her eyes.
"But you can't be just friends with animals. You have to be social w/ others too!"

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: "Who says I have to?"

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: "Um... you're part of the tribe. You cant be a lone wolf. We're a family and we sticked together no matter how much we dislike each other."

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda just shrugged.

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita sighed.
"Why are you so difficult?"

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: "I was born that way"

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita laughed and shook her head.
"No, you were raised that way. Every child born is simple, but it's how we are raised that makes us complecated"

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: mickoda shrugged

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita took a seat in one of the low branches of a tree.
"Silence maybe golden, but that only applies to men."

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda shrugged

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita frowned
"You really dont want to talk to me do you?"

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda just snorted softly and she walked into the cave

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita hopped down from the tree.
"Lone wolf is excactly what she is."
and walked off back through the woods

2010-08-05 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda walked over to the wolves and she played with them

2010-08-05 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita walked near a waterfall and pulled out her flute and began to play

2010-08-05 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli rode his horse down into the woods has he returns from a long ways ride.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: Inola walked down the river's bank

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli pulled his horse up to the river bank and climbs off the let the horse get a drink.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She continued to walk as she looked over, seeing Ahuli

2010-08-06 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda was in the clearing by the cave, she was far away from the others in her tribe.

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli petted the horses mane and smiles softly at the horse. "Drink my friend" Ahuli looks over to Inola.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a little

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli pats his horses neck and smiles back. "Hello there"

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded to him "Hello..."

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "Im Ahuli. And you are?" Ahuli horse nudged him in the shoulder her way.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: "Inola..."

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "Im sorry. I must seem much of a stranger" Ahuli nodded.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head "Not at all..."

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli tilted his head and nodded. "oh"

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She looked to his horse "He is very pretty..."

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "Thank you. He is full blooded mustang" Ahuli smiled has his horse walked behing him with his head hanging over AHuli shoulder.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled looking back at him

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli patted the horses neck. "He seems to like you"

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: "The horse is my spirit animal, all horses tend to like me..." She smiled "What are your names?"

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "Ah i see. His name is Chitto" AHuli nodded.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She nodded "And yours?"

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "My spirit animal is the wolf" Ahuli nodded has his horse trotted over to her.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled, then looked to Chitto

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: The horse lowered his head nudged her shoulder softly.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled at him "Hello..."

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli smiled softly has the horse sniffed her hair.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled, petting the horse "Do you live here?" She looked at Ahuli

2010-08-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita smiled as a small fox came to listen to her

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "I do, but i've been gone for a month hunting" AHuli nodded.

2010-08-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: She played her flute while the young fox danced in circles

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: "Oh...were you sucessful?"

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "YEah i got some deer and some rabbits." Ahuli nodded pointing to the dead animal hanging on the back of the horse.

2010-08-06 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: The fox jumped into her lap and rubbed her hand to be petted

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled a little.

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "Do you live around here?" Ahuli asked.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: she nodded "Yes"

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "Oh i dont see around here much in till like now" Ahuli nodded.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: "i could say the same about you..."

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli nodded has his horse layed down next to her. "Chitto dont lay down"

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at chitto, smiling

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli sighed and walked over to his horse. "Chitto"

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: she looked at him "...Is he tired?" she laughed a little

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: "Might be. We have been walking for days" Ahuli kneeled down next to the horse.

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: "Then we should get you two back..."

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: AHuli nodded and patted the horses mane. "I agree"

2010-08-06 [Sonya Blue]: "well come with me then"

2010-08-06 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli nodded. "Okay"

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: she led him back to the village

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli followed along with chitto.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: Once they were back in the village, she back at him

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: "Thank you for walking chitto back" Ahuli smiled and nodded.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled and nodded "Anytime..."

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Chitto nudged his nose against her shoulder. "Would you like a rabbit to cook? I do have plenty"

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: She smiled again "Okay.."

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli smiled softly and pulled a rabbit from Chitto. "Here"

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: she took it "Thank you.."

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: AHuli smiled and nodded. "Welcome"

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: Mai ran up Behind Inola "Inola! Where have you been!?" She stopped whens he saw Ahuli "..."

Inola looked at her

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: AHuli quietly waved hello to her as Chitto shook is mane next to him, making him sneeze.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: Mai hid behind Inola "..."

She looked back at him "This is my cousin, Mai"

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: "She is adorable and i didnt mean to scare her." Ahuli nodded looking at Chitto.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: She shook her head "She's always like that...Until she gets used to you..."

Mai frowned, still hiding

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: "Oh i see" Ahuli nodded. "It was lovely meeting you Mai"

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: Inola smiled "I better get back...Thank you for the rabbit."

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli nodded. "I must tend to my horse has well"

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: she waved at him as she walked away

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli waved bye and pulled Chitto along to his home.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: she walked with Mai, back to her home

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli cleaned up his horse.

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda play fighted with the wolves at the clearing by the cave

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte stumbles over to Mickoda and a temps to bark but fails.

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda growled as she play fought with the wolves

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte barks again and looking up at her.

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda stopped play fighting and seh looked at Sawnte

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte barks and turns and complete circles.

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda smiled softly as she watched Sawnte

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte stumbles on his paws and falls down.

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda frowned and she knelt by Sawnte and help him up

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte barks and wiggled to shake dirt from him.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: Mai was outside her and Inola's home

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli washed chitto next to his tent.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: Mai played quietly

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli saw the little and smiled.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: she continued to play alone

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: "Hello Mai" Ahuli smiled has he cleaned chitto.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: Mai stopped and looked at him "..." she waved at him

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda smiled softly and she petted him

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli chuckled and waved back.

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte pretended to growls.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: she looked around, then back at him

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda raised an eyebrow at him."Am leader of this pack." She growled back

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Chitto shook his mane and slowly stepped forward, spling Ahuli water. "Chitto"

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte lowered his ears and almost layed down.

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda chuckled alittle and seh patted his head

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: Mai giggled

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte licked her hand.

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: The horse looked to be laughing to at AHuli has he shook his mane. "Chitto you silly horse"

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda smiled

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte barked more and more.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: Mai watched them

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda smiled

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Chitto troted away from Ahuli, AHuli went after him but everytime he got close Chitto just trot away. "Chitto no fair"

Sawnte sat down and iched at his neck.

2010-08-07 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled as she watched them

2010-08-07 [Tis gone but never gone]: Mickoda looked at the other wolves

2010-08-07 [ArtworkA]: Chitto trotted past Mia and shook his mane again. "Chitto my must you do this everytime" Ahuli walked after his horse.

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte stop and rand over to another cub.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: Mai watched Chitto

Inola walked out

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: THe horse lowered his head down behind Mai. "Chitto your not a good hider" AHuli chuckled.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: she looked back at Chitto

Inola watched them

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli went to grab Chitto but the horse trotted around him. "YOu horse" Ahuli chuckled.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: Mai laughed a little

Inola smiled "Is he giving you trouble?"

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: "Chitto is just trying to show off" Ahuli chuckled and went to grab him but Chitto just moved away.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: she laughed a little "I see"

Mai smiled

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli went to grab Chitto, but Chitto moved again. " Whoa" Ahuli slipped and fall to the ground.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: Mai stood and ran to him " okay?"

Inola walked towards him

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: "Yeah im fine" Ahuli nods has Chitto trots slowly over and sniffs him.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: Inola stood behind Mai "he's very spirited..."

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli chuckled and nodded. "YOu got that right" Chitto looked over at the two.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled a little

Mai walked towards Chitto

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli stood to his feet, CHitto lowered his head to sniffs the little girl.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled at chitto

Inola watched him

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Chitto rubbed his knows gently against her cheek.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: she reached up to scratch his ear

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Chitto tilted his head. "Cute" Ahuli chuckled.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: Mai smiled, still scratching his ear

Inola smiled and nodded

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Chitto shook his head a little and sniffed her more. "Chitto" Ahuli said softly.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: Mai giggled

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Horse seem to alomst be smiling has he sniffed her.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: Mai smiled and petted him

Inola looked over at Ahuli

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli walked over to Chitto and patted his mane as Chitto playfully nibbled at her hair

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: Mai looked up at Ahuli

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: "Chitto must like you" Ahuli smiled, Chitto naed and shook hism mane.

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: she smiled "I like Chitto too!"

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli smiled softly. "Chitto is happy to hear that"

2010-08-08 [Sonya Blue]: Mai giggled and looked up at Chitto

2010-08-08 [ArtworkA]: "So much you that wash now that Chitto spilled the water" Ahuli chuckled.

2010-08-09 [Sonya Blue]: Inola smiled a little

2010-08-09 [ArtworkA]: Ahuli petted Chitto when he heard the barking of his lil pup. "Here comes sawnte"

2010-08-09 [Sonya Blue]: Inola looked at him "Who..."

2010-08-09 [ArtworkA]: "I have a little puppy wolf, Sawnte" Ahuli nodded.

2010-08-09 [Sonya Blue]: "Oh, okay..." She smiled a little

2010-08-09 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte came running quikly and almost about ran in chitto when the horse moved. "Hello Sawnte"

2010-08-09 [Sonya Blue]: Inola smiled at the pup

Mai looked at the pup "..."

2010-08-09 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte turned and circles has he backed to get attention. "You have way to much energy" Ahuli kneeled down and petted him.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Mai watched Sawnte carefully

2010-08-10 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte looked over at the others and tilted his head in curiosity.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Inola smiled a little

2010-08-10 [ArtworkA]: "He is a nice wolf" Ahuli smiled.

2010-08-10 [Sonya Blue]: Mai continued to watch him

2010-08-10 [ArtworkA]: Sawnte turned in circles and jump to see if he could get Ahuli to give him a treat.

2010-08-12 [~Kissed by an Angel~]: Ayita stood up and walked back toward the village while the fox followed her and danced around her heels

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